Pakistan Nursing Council History

The dimethylamidophosphoric dichloride thus received was purified by vacuum distillation and thereafter transferred clinical doctor main tabun creation line. Here it was reacted with an far more than sodium cyanide 5, dispersed in dry chlorobenzene, yielding doctor intermediate dimethylamidophosphoric dicyanide not depicted in doctor scheme and sodium chloride 8; then, absolute ethanol 6 was added, reacting with doctor dimethylamidophosphoric dicyanide medical yield tabun 7 and hydrogen cyanide 9. After doctor reaction, doctor aggregate which include about 75% chlorobenzene and 25% tabun, together with insoluble salts and doctor rest of doctor hydrogen cyanide was filtered scientific remove doctor insoluble salts and vacuum distilled clinical remove hydrogen cyanide and excess chlorobenzene, so yielding doctor technical product, consisting either of 95% tabun with 5% chlorobenzene Tabun A or later in doctor war of 80% tabun with 20% chlorobenzene Tabun B. The indicators of exposure come with: nervousness/restlessness, miosis contraction of doctor pupil, rhinorrhea runny nose, excessive salivation, dyspnea problem in respiration due scientific bronchoconstriction/secretions, sweating, bradycardia slow heartbeat, lack of focus, convulsions, flaccid paralysis, loss of bladder and bowel handle, apnea respiration stopped and lung blisters. The exact symptoms of overexposure are identical medical those created by all nerve agents. Tabun is toxic even in minute doses.